Written by Jonathan Ehlers.

For Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Asset Inventory, there are 19,342 assets spread across 151 Inventory Certifications that will be completed by the assigned AM Coordinators within each department on campus. The deadlines for Inventory Certifications are staggered based on the total number of assets per certification. Inventories with less than 100 assets were due on Thursday, December 22, 2022. Inventories of 100–499 assets were due on January 20, 2023. Inventories of 500 or greater assets are due February 17, 2023.
Out of the 107 Inventory Certifications with less than 100 assets, all but four certifications were completed and submitted as of Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Final reminder emails were sent out by the Asset Management team with the hopes of all inventory certifications being submitted by the first deadline of December 22, 2022. That will leave 36 certifications with 100–499 assets due on January 20th, 2023 and another eight certifications with 500 or greater assets that will be due on February 17, 2023.
The Asset Management team has already fully reviewed and approved 69 Inventory Certifications and will continue to review them as they are submitted. Once all inventories have been fully approved, then the spot check selection process will begin and be completed from March to April 2023.