Written by Tabitha Groelle.

In our third edition of our “Chatting With” series, I spoke with Heidi Kozlowski, Interim University Controller. The University Controller’s Office has been a part of the Finance Division since July of 2016. Heidi is that team player you can always count on, and her experience here at NC State has proven to be very valuable. Let’s get to know her a little better.
Tabitha: I should probably start by saying that, while I have mentioned you are the interim University Controller, your official position here at NC State is Associate University Controller. Let’s start with the basics. When did you start working at NC State and in what position?
Heidi: June 2000, as Assistant Controller.
Tabitha: You have been in the Controller’s Office your entire career with NC State. What did you do prior to coming here?
Heidi: I was a controller for a concrete and asphalt company in Florida.
Tabitha: Since I’ve been at NC State there have been at least four controllers, and I believe that you served as interim for at least two.
Heidi: I’ve worked under five different controllers and I have been the interim between all of them.

Tabitha: Oh wow! Where did you go to school?
Heidi: The University of South Florida for my undergrad and St. Leo College for my Master’s degree.
Tabitha: Are you a CPA or do you have any other type of professional certifications?

Heidi: I am not a CPA but I am a PCIP (Payment Card Industry Professional). It allows me to do the university’s PCI/DSS certifications.
Tabitha: What’s your “escape from reality” activity?
Heidi: I like walking around in nature, hiking.
Tabitha: What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
Heidi: When I was younger, I did all my own oil changes.
Tabitha: What inspires or motivates you?
Heidi: When I can see that my employees are happy and our department is doing well, it makes me feel good and keeps me going.

Tabitha: What have you found most enjoyable about working at NC State?

Heidi: The reason I stay here is the people – 150%! All the people, my co-workers here in the department, others across campus and even the students that I interact with. It’s kept my job interesting.
Tabitha: Thank you for sharing a little bit about who you are with me.