Written by Justo Torres.

The word “audit” strikes fear into many. It conjures images of dark rooms, bright spotlights and harsh interrogation. Who, in their right mind, would want to deal with that? The answer is C&G!
The audit services provided by C&G are not widely known but are critically important to the success of NC State’s research operation. The key services that C&G provides for audit support include:
- The C&G Director will serve as the single point of contact.
- C&G Compliance Specialist will manage operational communications with the auditors.
- C&G will assist with document gathering.
- C&G will review all documents before submission to auditors.
- C&G will coordinate any site visits or faculty/staff interviews.
- C&G will review draft final reports to minimize any findings.
- C&G will recommend corrective actions, monitor their execution and report completion to auditors.
The most critical step in this process is the first. Anyone on campus who receives the notification of an audit on any contract or grant must immediately notify C&G. Do not reply but rather let C&G. C&G will always keep the unit and the Principal Investigator informed, but it is critical that C&G manage all communications.
Finally, please know that audits will not always be called “audits.” You may receive notice of a site visit, desk review, or programmatic/administrative review. Regardless of nomenclature, we manage them as audits.
Our goal is certainly to be protective of the institution. We are, however, equally committed to full cooperation and transparency. If we identify errors or omissions on projects, we will address them and correct them, but we will never hide them. The NC State research community can help us in this regard by thinking critically about all charges placed on ledger 5 projects. Is it on the correct project and can you defend it? Do you have appropriate backup documentation? Did you follow all sponsor and NC State policies and procedures? If you can answer yes to all these questions, your audits will be a breeze.