Written by Justo Torres.
The first quarter of 2023 will bring long-awaited changes to the systems that NC State uses to track sponsored proposals and awards. For years, NC State has used a home-grown system known as Research Administration Data and Reporting (RADAR). While not a financial system, sponsored research managers in central offices, as well as campus, have used it to review documents and all non-financial metadata related to contracts, grants and cooperative agreements. It has served NC State well as the last stop before awards transition from pre award to post award.
Rewinding the clock to 2015, with software developer retirements on the horizon, the Office of Research and Innovation partnered with the Office of Information Technology and the Office of Contracts and Grants to begin to explore enterprise-wide replacements to RADAR and other systems. Eventually InfoEd International was selected as our vendor of choice. As of today, several compliance modules from InfoEd have been successfully implemented.
The first quarter of 2023 will bring the launch of “Proposal Tracking (PT) and Post-Award Management (PAM) modules, which will work in tandem and replace the functionality of RADAR,” according to Matt Simpson, the project’s communication specialist.
The PAM module will streamline the award processing by leveraging data entered once and provide mechanisms for better quality control of data. It will offer a new and improved paradigm for future integrations with our financial systems. Sherrie Settle, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and overall Project Manager says “that user acceptance training has gone quite well.” We look forward to a successful roll-out in 2023.