By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Zeryn Macklin. Managing delinquent student accounts is an essential process for the university, ensuring balances are addressed and resolved in a timely manner.... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Justo Torres. As we prepare to bid farewell to Chancellor Randy Woodson, we would like to join the university in Celebrating Transformation and... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Jennifer Bell. The University Controller’s Office offers merchant services, providing daily support to departments with active merchant accounts. At NC State, Merchant Services... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Birhanie Robinson. Did you know our Office of Investments (OOI) is responsible for investing the university’s and Associated Entities’ endowments, as well as... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Chanelle Corpening. MarketPlace isn’t just a convenient hub for finding goods and services—it’s also a powerful tool for saving time and money. In... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Zeryn Macklin. Now that the new year is here, and with tax season just around the corner, many students will begin preparing their... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Justo Torres, Director, Contracts and Grants. If you are involved in a federal grant awarded to NC State, you should familiarize yourself with... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Karen Visnosky. The NC General Statutes require an annual audit of NC State University by the North Carolina Office of State Auditor. A... |Program Spotlight
By Finance Division CommunicationsWritten by Brooke Labashousky. Foundations Accounting and Investments (FAI) requests that colleges and units review unused endowment spending balances and return excess funds within the...