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How much can I award?

Written by Erin Delehanty. How do I know how much can be awarded from an endowment in the upcoming academic year? When determining how much...

Have you made changes to your direct deposit?

Written by Blake Kannarr. If you have recently made changes to your direct deposit via the MyPack Portal, you may have received a second email...

Need to Know: FERPA

Written by Mia Pollard. NC State students’ academic records are considered confidential under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. Under FERPA,...

How Much is My Endowment Worth?

Written by Erin Delehanty. Does your department have an endowment held in one of the University’s foundations or the Endowment Fund? Do you know where...

Purchase Order Invoice Processing

Written by Andrea Turner. Over the past few years, we have seen a lot of change and evolution within Accounts Payable as a result of...

Contracts and Grants: Changing for the Future

Written by Justo Torres, Director, Contracts and Grants. The only constant is change. With change as a guiding principle, the leadership of the Office of...

PCard Compliance: Split Transactions

Written by Paislee Thomas. Split transactions occur when a cardholder intentionally splits a transaction into multiple payments or on multiple PCards to avoid spending limits....

Associated Entities Not Exempt from Sales Tax

Written by Erin Delehanty. Did you know that while the University is exempt from paying sales tax on most purchases, the associated entities are not? ...

Unrelated Business Income

Written by Andrew Coats. The IRS defines Unrelated Business Income (UBI) as the “income from a trade or business, regularly carried on, that is not...