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March 2025 calendar

March ’25 Events

Take a look at the following events and important due dates for the month of March:

FAI Welcomes New Team Members

Written by Brooke Labashousky Foundations Accounting and Investments (FAI) welcomed three new invaluable team members to our unit this past year. We would like to...

Managing Delinquent Student Accounts

Written by Zeryn Macklin. Managing delinquent student accounts is an essential process for the university, ensuring balances are addressed and resolved in a timely manner....

Contracts and Grants Celebrates Transformation

Written by Justo Torres. As we prepare to bid farewell to Chancellor Randy Woodson, we would like to join the university in Celebrating Transformation and...

Credit Card Payment Chargeback Tips

Written by Jennifer Bell. The University Controller’s Office offers merchant services, providing daily support to departments with active merchant accounts. At NC State, Merchant Services...

Office of Investments Implements New Nominating Process

Written by Birhanie Robinson. Did you know our Office of Investments (OOI) is responsible for investing the university’s and Associated Entities’ endowments, as well as...

MarketPlace Automated Efficiencies

Written by Chanelle Corpening. MarketPlace isn’t just a convenient hub for finding goods and services—it’s also a powerful tool for saving time and money. In...

Learning Finance: Manual Journal Entry Guide

Written by Maria Fister. The Journal Entry Guide has been rebranded to “Manual Journal Entry Guide” to make a distinction between manual and system-generated journal...

Business Connections Corner

Controller’s Office Updates Frances Lawrence from the University Controller’s Office provided the following updates: For inquiries on the above-mentioned updates, please contact  Procurement and...