Recent Posts

What’s New in the Knowledge Base?

If you ever had questions about university business processes, state compliance regulations or finance guidelines or topics (think PCard, MarketPlace, financial reporting, etc.) and didn’t...

OMAR as a Reconciliation Tool

Written by Stefanie Keto, Assistant Director Post Award (CNR). Recent discussions about the importance of account reconciliation within the realm of contracts and grants highlight...

Year-End Endowment Value

Written by Erin Delehanty. Does your department have an endowment held in one of the university’s foundations or the Endowment Fund? Do you know where...

Streamlining 529 Plan Payments

Written by Zeryn Macklin. The 529 college savings plans are a popular method for families to save for education expenses, and the University Cashier’s Office...

Electronic W-2 Consent

Written by Regina House. As an active NC State employee, you have the opportunity to receive your W-2 electronically without having to keep up with...

Vendor Onboarding as a Value Driver

Written by Sharon Loosman. Vendor onboarding has been transformed into a strategic value driver for procurement operations at NC State. Through this strategy, we have...

Business Connections Corner

The University Controller’s Office held its monthly Business Connection meeting on September 12.  Discussion Topics University Controller’s Office Updates Procurement & Business Services Procurement &...

Foreign Currency Payments

Written by Justo Torres, Director, Contracts and Grants. When a sponsor declines to award funds in U.S. dollars (USD), a budget proposed in a foreign...

Updated Tuition Waiver Process

Written by Zeryn Macklin. Starting in the Summer of 2023, the University Cashier’s Office made a significant update to the tuition waiver process by transitioning...