Written by Paislee Thomas.

Split transactions occur when a cardholder intentionally splits a transaction into multiple payments or on multiple PCards to avoid spending limits. However, the practice of splitting transitions is never allowed!
Whenever the need arises to purchase goods or services that have a cost greater than $5,000, cardholders can simply submit a Temporary Increase to Spending Limits through the PCard Center. Following this simple step will ensure that cardholders remain compliant with the North Carolina Administrative Code rule 01 NCAC 05B .0315 and prevent the consequences associated with not adhering to this critical rule:
Occurrence | Consequence | Resolution |
First Offense | Warning email is sent to the cardholder and business lead. | |
Second Offense | PCard is placed on hold. | The cardholder submits a memo, signed by the supervisor, describing the procedures established to prevent the behavior from recurring. |
Third Offense | PCard is placed on hold. | The cardholder submits a memo signed by the department lead describing the procedures established to prevent the behavior from recurring.The cardholder completes PCard Training for Cardholders Refresher. |
Fourth Offense | PCard is revoked. |
Reach out to the Card Services Team.