Written by Andrea Turner.

Over the past few years, we have seen a lot of change and evolution within Accounts Payable as a result of going paperless. We have had to learn to be flexible and adaptable, and out of this has come innovation and efficiencies.
The PO Invoice Processing has evolved with the rest of us. We have moved a long way from handling hardcopy invoices. Departments now upload images and input invoice information in the Financial System in a secure, efficient manner. These changes have moved us closer to an electronic process.
With all of these little changes, the need arises to make sure everyone is current with the processes involved. The Controller’s Office website is the place to find the most up-to-date training, forms and other resources. The PO Invoice Processing Guide has been revised to include the most recent changes.
Helpful Reminders
- Always process the PO Receivers in the Financial System before uploading the invoice.
- Ensure that the vendor information on the invoice matches the Supplier Information in the Financial System, in particular the following:
- Supplier Name
- Remit To Address: If the correct Remit To Address is not in the Financial System, please invite the vendor to either register or update their information through PaymentWorks.
- Ensure invoice lines match the PO lines or have one PO line to cover many lines on the invoice.
- Double Check all Account Codes, specifically:
- Software License or Subscription – 5437X (we rarely buy software anymore)
- Software Maintenance or Hosting – 544XX
- Other Services – 51990 for individual
- Other Services – 53929 for organization
- Code any installation, training and shipping to the same account code as the other items.
- Redact sensitive information
- Banking
- Tax or Federal ID
- Include the Prepayment Approval email from Kim Kelley with the invoice.
For questions regarding PO Invoice Processing, please contact Andrea Turner at alturne5@ncsu.edu.